
Birders will not be disappointed in Thabaphaswa, especially during the summer months as we already have 177 identified bird species.

Thabaphaswa has gained accredited “Birder Friendly” status and forms part of the Greater Limpopo (Capricorn-Letaba) Birding Route.

It is also situated very close to the Waterberg-Nylsvley Birding Route.

A guide is available for outings to various nature reserves, vulture restaurants, the Nyl river flood-plain as well as to the local Biodiversity Conservation Centre where tourists can learn more about the Redbilled Oxpecker Project.

Red Bill Oxpecker 

Want to know more about the Redbilled Oxpecker?

Distribution of the Redbilled Oxpecker

Thabaphaswa has a wide variety of butterflies recorded by Anneke and Gustav Butler of NWU. Download below.