Friends of Thabaphaswa

The right gear for a successful outdoor adventure is of primary importance to ensure your outdoor adventure goes smoothly.

Camping novices and old hands alike will find what they need at Camp and Climb. Camp and Climb staff are well-informed and helpful. This is Siya of Camp&Climb, Centurion, demonstrating a new camping chair they stock:

Camp and Climb opened its first retail store in 1970, but the company actually started as SA Canvas Workers in 1925. Over the past more than 50 years, Camp and Climb have been an integral part of the outdoor accessories scene. They focus on quality products in all parts of the outdoor goods industry.

Whether you are a novice or old hand, Camp and Climb have what you need, from camping to mountain expedition gear. Their prices are competitive and they stock quality products.

They stock:

Whatever you need for your outdoor trip, Camp and Climb have it in stock.

Products which they offer online and in-store also include:
  • tents,
  • trailer tents,
  • camping furniture,
  • sleeping bags,
  • outdoor cooking equipment,
  • survival and navigation equipment
  • gadgets such as Leathermans

Camp and Climb staff are outdoor enthusiasts and able to assist with practical advice.

Contact Camp and Climb

Camp and Climb stores

Nico en Rona van Hoepen

Nico en Rona van Hoepen het op Thabaphaswa gekuier en ons was baie beindruk met hulle aktiewe lewenstyl. Hier is hulle storie.

Nico en Rona van Hoepen

Rona se besigheid en die opleiding wat sy verskaf:
Ek en ‘n vennoot het so ongeveer 5 jaar gelede Impact Financial Training Academy begin.

Ons spesialiseer in finansiële en besigheidsopleiding aan verskeie korporatiewe maatskappye – enige iets van ‘n Banking Masterclass tot Finance for non-Financial Managers tot Financial Modelling in Excel.

Meeste van ons opleiding word in-huis aangebied, en word aangepas om in daardie maatskappy se spesifieke behoeftes te voorsien. Ons geniet elke oomblik, en dit is ‘n groot voorreg om te sien hoe ek mense se daaglikse take vir hulle kan makliker maak deur vir hulle die regte vaardighede te leer.

Inligting oor die wonderlike inisiatief om jong entrepreneurs op te lei:

Hierdie jong entrepreneursopleiding word gedoen deur middel van ‘n samewerkingsooreenkoms tussen MentorVennoot NPC en School Solutions (waar Rona en haar besigheidsvennoot betrokke is).

“Ons reis regdeur die land om besigheidsimulasies aan te bied vir hoërskoolleerders. Die doel van die besigheidsimulasies is om hulle meer te leer oor die beginsels van entrepreneurskap, en hopelik ‘n brandende vlammetjie vir entrepreneurskap by hulle aan te steek. Buiten vir die lesse wat op die dag geleer word en die spanne wat teen mekaar deelneem, neem die skole ook landswyd aan ‘n kompetisie deel”.

Die besondere werk wat Nico wêreldwyd doen:

Nico werk vir Tenova Pyromet as ‘n Chemies Metallurgiese Ingenieur. Tenova Pyromet spesialiseer in die ontwerp van aanlegte en oonde (furnaces) vir verskeie metale.

Nico is een van die Prosesingenieurs, en sy werk behels die aanvanklike ontwerp van die aanlegte en oonde, en dan daarna bystand wanneer die oonde aangeskakel word. Wanneer die oonde aangeskakel word, duur dit weke, maande, of soms jare om die aanlegte in volle produksie te kry. Gedurende daardie tye is Nico gebaseer in die lande waar die aanlegte en oonde gebou is, en werk hy soms lang skofte.

Die werkwyse wat julle volg om mekaar in ander lande te ontmoet terwyl albei steeds werk:

“Ons moet planne beraam om mekaar op verskillende plekke te ontmoet, anders sal ons net te veel verlang! Nico reis baie oorsee, en ek reis baie plaaslik – beide daarvan vir ons onderskeie werke. Wanneer Nico oorsee reis, skeduleer ek my opleiding op so manier dat ek vir ‘n twee-week tydperk by hom kan gaan kuier in die ander land”, sê Rona.

Gedurende daardie tyd werk hy gewoonlik skofte, en ek sit sy by die hotel en doen ontwikkelingswerk vir hulle kursusse. “Indien hy nagskof werk, ruil ek ook my dae en nagte om, sodat ek dieselfde tye as hy werk en slaap. Wanneer ek plaaslik reis, sal Nico tydens die naweke vlieg om by my aan te sluit, en sodoende sien ons sommer nog ander dele van ons mooi land!”

Skakels na Nico en Rona se webwerwe;
Impact Financial Training Academy
MentorVennoot NPC
Tenova Pyromet

Joanne Buttress (Jopie)

KIngfisher at Thabaphaswa
Joanne Buttress (Jopie) is a childhood friend of Ankie Richter of Thabaphaswa.

Jopie spent the first years of her life in a Japannese concentration camp and only met her father a few years after World War 2.

Her father survived the bombing of Hiroshima because he was underground in a mine during the attack.

Jopie nets, weighs and rings birds on Thabaphaswa during different seasons and submits the information to a central bird register in South Africa.

Kuduga Botswana Self Drives

Avontuurlijke safari’s: zelf met een 4×4 auto door de wildernis van Botswana rijden. Als gids een GPS, als accommodatie een daktent of chalet. Overnachtingen, excursies en parkentrees geregeld. U gaat zorgeloos op pad, genietend van de ruige natuur en de grote variëteit aan wilde dieren en vogels. Olifanten die over de camping lopen, brullende leeuwen in de nacht… in Botswana wordt het werkelijkheid!

Visit the Khuduga website

Ria Smuts loves Thabaphaswa

When she and husband Adriaan visit the farm, she has time to give her artistic mind free reigns. This has resulted in many exquisite wood carvings, some of which she exhibits at her art exhibitions.

They are owners of a number of Nguni cattle which are kept at Thabaphaswa as part of the Thabaphaswa cattle hotel.

Some years ago, Ria had the bright idea to use the beautiful wood logs, found on the farm, to create art. This involves detailed carving with specialised tools.

The wide variety of bushveld trees is a characteristic of Thabaphaswa and Ria’s art brings the quality of the wood of discarded logs, to life in desirable wood carvings.

Contact Ria at 072 118 8969

Photographer Marianne Schwankhart

Photographer Marianne Schwankhart spent some time capturing the soul of the Thabaphaswa Ngunis. Her work is used to enhance spaces with beautifully framed, editioned prints.

See her website at Dragontree for a wider selection of wall art

Ibogaine Safaris

Pierre le Roux is a photographer with E-news and he started a rehabilitation program for people dependent on heroin called the “Get off drugs safari” or “Ibogaine Safari”.

Ibogaine is extracted from the root bark of a tree in the Cameroon and is a traditional African medicine. It is a psychoactive substance that occurs naturally in a number of plants. It has a place in African ritual and traditional healing. It was discovered in the 1960’s that it’s able to interrupt addiction to heroin without withdrawal symptoms.

Pierre uses Thabaphaswa for some of his Ibogaine Safaris and says it is a good retreat for this purpose.