Pet friendly Thabaphaswa

Thabaphaswa is one of only a few pet-friendly venues north of Gauteng, and a landmark accommodation venue in the Waterberg area, where dogs are allowed to bring their owners.

For pet owners, it’s a challenge to find a place where their dogs can run free and exercise.

Over weekends, dog owners like to take their pets out with them for exercise and some free running. This is especially true if you live in a town or city.

It has become prohibitively expensive to put dogs in kennels, which motivates dog owners to take their pet with them on vacation or away for weekends. It has the added benefit that the family structure and cohesion remain uninterrupted while children are less easily bored.

Thabaphaswa falls in the Waterberg district municipality and is a place where your pets and children can roam free in safety.
